Alcohol Abuse Symptoms
![Alcohol Abuse Symptoms Alcohol Abuse](
Don’t let your alcohol abuse symptoms get the best of you any longer.
The symptoms of alcohol abuse can be harder to spot than alcoholism symptoms since they are not as severe. Alcohol abuse is the not the same as alcoholism, but the more a person abuses alcohol the more likely that it will lead to alcoholism. People that abuse alcohol do not depend on it, but they will tend to drink more than a moderate drinker. It is not easy to see the differences between the symptoms of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, but there are some things to look for in order to distinguish the symptoms of the two.
The Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse
A few of the basic alcohol abuse symptoms are sneaking drinks, drinking very quickly, short term memory loss and blackouts due to drinking, guilty feelings because of drinking, making excuses and blaming others for one’s drinking. A person that abuses alcohol will drink excessively in order to feel the high of being inebriated. Some other basic symptoms of alcohol abuse are being late for things because of a hangover, having relationship problems, getting hurt while drunk, or having problems with the law because of drinking such as driving drunk or getting drunk in public. Some of the basic physical alcohol abuse symptoms are simply being drunk often, slurred speech, a feeling of sleepiness or drowsiness, being overly aggressive, short-term memory problems, and having a shot attention span.
Pinpointing the Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse
People that are abusing alcohol will, many times, be in denial about the problem that they have. Many do not even know that they have a problem and they need others to show that they do. Here are several questions that can make it easier to pinpoint if you or a loved one has an alcohol abuse problem.
1. Have you been late often or missed work or school because of your drinking?
2. Have you felt guilty because of your drinking and that you should cut back on your drinking?
3. Are you annoyed and become agitated with others are critical of your excess drinking?
4. After you think that you drink too much are you not able to curb your drinking?
5. Because of your drinking are you overly agitated and get into arguments and/or fights?
6. Is binge drinking, having several drinks, a part of your common drinking experience?
7. Have you blacked out because of excess drinking more than one or two times?
8. Have you had problems with the law when you are drinking?
The more the answers are yes to these questions the more it is likely that a person abuses alcohol.
Getting Help When Seeing Alcohol Abuse Symptoms
Since alcohol abuse is not alcoholism, but it can lead to it, is important that a person gets help right when alcohol abuse symptoms are seen. Depending on how much the person abuses alcohol will determine the type of help that person needs. The more that a person abuses alcohol the more that they should get some type of professional help. There are many types of alcohol abuse programs out there that can help a person deal with their alcohol abuse problems.